People frequently ask me where I get my ideas. The simple answer is everywhere…Sometimes ideas bombard my brain, I have a multitude of foxes and in my mind they all have unique personalities. (Just so you know they are all plush or ceramic.) I love the beautiful foxes that were domesticated before dogs. I will often look at some of my foxes and see they have mischief on their minds, which leads me to a story.

   Sometimes I see a small child trying not to be noticed and I imagine a kit (baby fox) trying to hide behind a thin tree truck that does not truly hide him.

   Ideas are things that are endless and they can be found easily, in your travels, in what you notice, and the very best story storage your own mind. One must be careful as everything you say or do, remains imprinted upon you, so read what you wish to sell, don’t watch too much TV and avoid naysayers. So, stay happy, and creative. Don’t worry about the stuff that will not matter in the years to come.

   I hope each and every one of you enjoy the happiest and healthiest holidays.

Maybe you could buy a book. From the Foxlady