I do not fancy myself a blogger. However, as I’m new to public discord, I shall soldier on.
You know most of us have the expectation of reaching old age. But the rest of the world ignores the problems we, elders face daily.
Has anyone noticed the print on prescribed medications. It is so minute as to be illegible. And the pharmacal barons have made themselves rich. Each drug store obviously wants to gain the largest profit. Thus, prescriptions are bid upon and the lowest is usually selected. I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford either the highest or the lowest. The first being too expensive and the last being of poor quality. Now that I have vented. How about the lighter side of life? At a fairly late date I dared to become what I had secretly desired. To be a writer. I was a good daughter, good wife and mother. Been there done that. Writing is my pleasure and escape.
I write historical fantasy with a bit of Arthurian legend thrown in. Why do I write like this? Two reasons. I love a man in a can and in these troubled times, reality scares me,
Each of these tales features a shape shifting fox. The gender frequently changes, sometimes male and other times female. The fox is the leading character who though good deeds is granted their desire, whatever it may be. Cooperation and strong work ethic are apparent in each of my works.
And now my friends (and I hope readers) take a trip back to the older days and enjoy my Fox Tales at The Foxlady.com and if you are so inclined please leave a nice review on Amazon. Such an act is deeply appreciated.